Rembuden Karate

The Origins of the Rembuden Organisation

Patron Sensei John Jarvis

Rembuden Karate is a martial arts organisation founded by Patron Sensei John Jarvis about 50 years ago to teach Karate, Kendo, Iaido and Jodo. The name was given to it by Kuroda Sensei. a leading teacher of the Martial Arts and Calligraphy.

John Jarvis: Martial Artist

Jarvis Sensei spent 2 years in London (1965) studying Karate with Steve Arneil (the then Head of UK Kyokushinkai Karate) before travelling to Japan to train under the late world famous Master Mas Oyama. Jarvis Sensei was the 5th person in the world to complete the 100 man fight and was graded 5th Dan by Oyama Sensei. Although Jarvis Sensei left Kyokushinkai, his achievement is still on the record books of the Kyokushinkai organisation. 

He also graded 2nd Dan in both Jodo (Japanese Staff fighting) and Iaido (Defensive Swordsmanship) having studied both at the Tokyo Riot Police School during his time in Japan. He is also Shodan rank in Tanjo.

In 1977, Jarvis Sensei resigned from Kyokushinkai because of philisophical differences and on the advice of  martial arts friend, writer, author and mentor (the late) Donn Draegar visited the Yoyogi Dojo of Okinawa Goju Ryu Master Higaonna Morio. Shortly afterwards Jarvis Sensei’s Rembuden organisation aligned itself to Higaonna Sensei’s network.

What’s in a Name?

The Rembuden name is made from the Japanese – Rem, to train with the heart and spirit, Bu meaning the martial ways, and Den being the place of practice.

The Rembuden name is used by a number of clubs run by Yudanshakai Black Belt students of Jarvis Sensei. Rembuden Kilbirnie was the last Dojo that Jarvis Sensei taught at prior to him retiring.

In 1987 Jarvis Sensei retired as Chief Instructor of Rembuden. By then, Jarvis Sensei had also been graded 5th Dan in Okinawa Goju Ryu, with a total of 15 Dans to his credit, certainly the most qualified Martial Arts instructor in Australasia.

The Rembuden Organisation

At its peak Rembuden had Dojos throughout NZ, Australia and the South Pacific. Now only a handful still operate under the Rembuden badge, while the others have affiliated to overseas Goju Ryu associations. Although retired from Karate, Jarvis Sensei still retains an interest in his Karate links, and the Classical Martial Arts.

Jarvis Sensei was succeeded as NZ Okinawa Goju Ryu Karate Head by Dennis May Sensei of Auckland. Sensei May originally belonged to the Rembuden Organisation under Jarvis Sensei, but now heads his own Okinawa Goju Ryu organisation.